
CMS Bulletin 4/18/2008

All School Information:
Skating Plus fieldtrip this Today, April 18th!

Main Hallway
Students please be respectful of the artwork and displays posted in the main hallway. Teachers and students work very hard to make your school look beautiful and represent you. Please do not graffiti or tear down the work posted in the hallway. If you are caught doing this disciplinary actions will be taken.

2008-2009 ASB Officers Candidate Meeting for 7th Grade Students
If you are a leader, make good grades and have outstanding citizenship. The opportunity to be an ASB officer is just for you. Bring your lunch, today, to the Art room. We will have an informative meeting regarding the election for officers.

Students Please do not hang on, climb on, attack, or abuse any of the trees on campus. They are here for shade and beauty if you are caught abusing the trees disciplinary action will be taken.

ASB meeting will meet today during SSR.

Excellence Points Winners
Eric Rocha
Esteban Flores
Jonathan Esqueda
Alex Marquez
Benedict K.S. Watts
Victoria Nabours
Sierra Beltran
Alicia Sanchez
Cristal Aviluz
Guadalupe Nava
Don't forget to get your prizes from Mrs. Payne in the office!

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