
Daily Bulletin for Friday, May 22

TGIF today. Please turn on television to hear the bulletin and other important issues at CMS. IF YOU ONLY HAVE 8TH GRADERS , TURN OFF TV.

Teachers who have 6th & 7th grade students will be listening to speeches and voting today. At 8:31, please pass out the ballots to only 6th & 7th graders. If you don't have enough ballots, quickly call ext. #251 to request more. When speeches are finished and students have voted, please collect and send ballots to Mrs. "K". Results will be announced before 3:00, Friday.

ASB Election: For 6th & 7th Graders
Today 6th & 7th graders have the opportunity to elect 2009-2010 ASB Officers. They have worked hard as candidates to represent you as ASB officers. Please DO NOT make this a popularity contest. Vote for the individual you believe will be the most responsible. Candidates will be giving their speeches in the order they are written on the ballot.
Thank you

The Carpinteria Indian Cheer
program is currently having sign ups on Tuesday, 5/27 and at the Mandatory Parent meeting on Wednesday June 3rd. June 3rd. will be the last day to sign up for the 2009 season, so don’t forget to tell your parents to go to the “Boys & Girls Club” between 5:30 and 6:30 to sign up.

Garden Club Special: The SB Pistachio Company will be joining us for Garden on Thursday May 28th....our job is to redesign and recreate their packaging label and taste test all of their wonderful pistachio varieties. Teachers are welcome to join in the fun. See you there! (5/28)

If you want to sign up for Independent PE you must pick up the forms in the front office and return them FULLY complete by May 29th no late applications will be accepted. There will be no extensions. There is no guarantee you will be accepted to Independent PE, but you must have forms in to be considered. If you have any D or F's on your semester grades you may not apply.

Plan now for some summer fun! The city is offering fun in the sun with swimming and water polo club at the city pool... Just $50 a month. Improve your swimming skills and learn how to play water polo with the CHS swim coach & club team coach! Sign up at the pool now!

Relay For Life fund raising starts next week. We will be having a penny/money drive. Please bring any spare change or cash donations to your SSR class. The SSR class that brings in the most money will win a special treat. On Thursday May 28th we will be doing a fundraiser called Cap's For a Cure. Bring a dollar or more to donate and receive a stamp that will allow you to wear hats inside and outside of the classrooms. You can make your donations in the lunch quad before school and during nutrition. If we as a school can raise over $500 the relay team will be putting on a teacher talent showcase and teachers will be volunteering to conquer their fears take pies in the face and some will even cut their hair and donate it to locks of love ( a unique organization that makes wigs for children with cancer). All of the money we raise will be donated to the American Cancer Society and will be used for cancer research and advancements. Please help in our fight.

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