
CMS Bulletin 03/05/2008

All School Information:

Lunch and Nutrition
If you think you should get free or reduced price lunch but when you punch in your number it says you must pay, you need to talk to Mr. Alfonso Martinez in the office to find out what is wrong. If you forget your money, from now on you will get a simple lunch. IOU's were not getting paid back. So you will eat, just not as well as everyone else. Thank you about walking to lunch. It is getting much better.

Remember if you are feeling sad or worried about anything in life, come talk to the counselors, Ms. Cervantes or Ms. Reece. They are here to listen. We all are. Don't bottle up your feelings; it doesn't help in the long run. Counselors will meet with anyone who wants to make an appointment. Just come up to the office and ask.

Garden Club
Garden this Thursday after school, please be prompt. Meet in the garden.

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