
Daily Bulletin for Friday, January 25th

**Be Responsible    **Be Respectful    **Be Safe    **Be a Positive Contributor
Daily Patriotic Act
Talent Show news:  It'll be here before you know it!  Monday the 28th see Mrs. Tito in the library at lunch if you are interested and then again on Tues.  Jan. 29 right after school in the MPR.  The show is on Wednesday, March 6th.
Noon Sports:  Today's games:
                             Manchester U vs. Mexico
                             Real Madrid vs. Barcelona

Attention Spelling Bee participants:  Don't forget to study the word list you were given... students who study (even just a little) tend to go on further in the bee!  You have TWO WEEKS to prepare... The bee is coming up on Thursday, February 7th at 6:30 PM!!
AAA Club members -- we have two garden structures in the works and two more to build!  Come be a part of the fun on Tuesday at 3:15 in the garden.  All are welcome.  Also, hear important information about our next ADVENTURE!

Surf Club: Today at lunch in Rm. 21

                                          Have a relaxing week-end!

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