
Daily Bulletin for Tuesday, April 19th

Student court will be tomorrow from 5-7 at City Hall. Meet Mr. Campos in front of his office at 4.

Washington DC applications. If you still need an application for next year's Washington DC trip come see Mr. J in room 32 at the end of lunch (12:45) on Tues or Wed.

Lanyard Club~ 12:30 in the library from Monday until after STAR testing. Students will be available to teach you how to make one. You can buy lengths in the library in the morning, at lunch and after school until 3:45.

Ocean Guards, Tuesday at LUNCH!
This is a mandatory meeting for the Santa Cruz Island camping trip. If you have participated in any Ocean Guards event, and would like to go on the camping trip, be in Ms. West's room 10 by 12:30 on Tuesday. (If you haven't had a chance to participate in an Ocean Guards activity yet, but still want to go on the trip, come to the Tuesday lunch meeting and we will tell you how to earn a spot on the boat).

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