
Daily Bulletin for Monday and Tuesday, May 24th and 25th

Santa Cruz Island Camping Trip Permission Slips, Due NOW!!!
Get them in to Ms. West ASAP so we can fill out the paperwork for the boat. Also, if you need to turn in a project still, get it to Ms. West as well.

Hand in your Fun in the Sun application to Monica or Lluli if you would like a spot in this great program.

LUNCH MONEY: If you pay money for lunch, please have the bills unfolded and your coins ready when you get to the front of the line. You slow down the line if you do not do this. Also, please be polite and respectful to all servers, we are hearing that some of you are not. You will be sent to the end of the line if you are heard being disrespectful to anyone. Please do your part to help the lines move faster.

Library Checkout: All library books are due on Friday, May 28th.

INDEPENDENT PE applications for 2010-2011 school year
are available in the front office.

CANDY Grams:
Leadership class will be selling "a good-bye kiss candygram card" to the 8th grade students. We will be begin selling them next Tuesday, May 25th. This will give you an opportunity to give a card to your favorite 8th grade friends. A fun way to show how much you care for them. We will be selling the cards at lunch, 4 for a dollar! So come buy as many as you want! Look for us in front of the MPR Steps.

Final Garden Schedule

Last Field trip of the year (don't forget your permission slips)
LAST GARDEN CLUB of year: 6/3/2010 End of Year Garden Celebration....THE ANNUAL ROCK PROJECT


The price for a yearbook is 35 dollars. Forms are in the office!

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